NMMiner eCash(XEC) Solo Pool

This pool is a fork of the Bitcoin-ABC ecash-ckpool-solo, friendly for the Axe Devices, Pool Fee: 2%. Get a eCash Wallet.


URL: stratum+tcp://pool.nmminer.com:3333

Pool Status

Netword diff: 15.90GPool Hashrate(1h): 13.9T Pool Hashrate(1d): 14.7T Pool Hashrate(7d): 15.5T

Pool Users: 7 Pool Workers: 49 Pool Best Share: 8.15G

Pool Runtime: 24d 0h 4m 0s Last Update: 2025-03-28 06:37:52

User Ranking. The workers runing in the pool, sorted by hashrate(last 1 hour).

Worker Name Hashrate 1m Hashrate 1hr Hashrate 1d Workers Best Share
ecash:qqcq9l25n6832vrjuez73hdhwktutek88swe893uf9 6.63T 6.31T 6.11T 39 8.15G
ecash:qrp5elafejkr9gku6a5wyeylrrrz9vt37vl8q77t9r 4.99T 4.93T 4.93T 2 2.66G
ecash:qrycdez6qvgefypy735wk6urygc6v3eptg9nexzkqx 85.4G 578G 683G 2 1.94G
ecash:qqj0fg9xyfs68rzupcl5sjzt8rnm7u0agydvf0r2ks 512G 497G 474G 1 753.52M
12RpTaPiDU7u6bE67jaANTCuWUHBUSrrDW 450G 502G 391G 1 140.61M
ecash:qqfusccqc6uzl5fqgm8aezej787s6ajezgxshjhfjm 967G 963G 958G 2 81.49M
ecash:qr9332jvkcgjush239h9cxppadf25txzecmd605ne2 905G 878G 700G 2 17.79M

Blocks statistics. Block maturation requires 101 new blocks in the network.

Height Type Time Miner Effort Solution Status
888770 Block 2025-03-19 13:27:38 ecash:qp8nmhhst7re5c7e87uzwrrhld32y3zl6g6yp36lta 52.9% 19.58G Confirmed
885969 Block 2025-02-28 00:24:38 ecash:qp8nmhhst7re5c7e87uzwrrhld32y3zl6g6yp36lta 155.9% 26.26G Confirmed
883049 Block 2025-02-07 18:47:06 qz7lrha2wuquqyjvmvtm9uqc542pu3kfmvufn6qk48 20.5% 47.34G Confirmed